Many female participants wonder if riding a spinning bike will cause their legs to get bigger in size. Exercising your legs to be thicker simply by riding the indoor cycling bike is barely possible. It requires you to keep breaking through your strength limits so that you can stimulate the growth of your leg muscles. In addition to that, you need sufficient protein and keep a good bedtime routine. Even if highly intensive cycling courses do help you exercise your lower limbs, it is basically your hips that start to grow first.
Riding a spinning bike burns fat all over your body and improves your body shape in an attractive way. In fact, it is just not that easy to grow leg muscles. You may feel your calves become bigger sometimes after exercise. It is actually the result of blood circulation and will recover after a while, so there is no need to worry about it.
To ride a spinning bike, you should first adjust the seat to the height of your hips so that your legs can be straightened during pedaling. While doing exercise, make sure you are pedaling with the front part of your soles instead of others. Moreover, remember to stretch your legs both before and after cycling, which helps avoid injuries and even out your muscles.
Follow us to complete the stretching routine to relax your body.